Frame Oriented
The new James Webb telescope shows that the universe is frame oriented and the the laws of physics are carved out of Newton’s inverse square law and are correct but wrong. Our laws of physics are surface features of the inverse square law and are nothing but illusions created by frame interference which in turn are encoded with our observations of our reality and that it’s our evolution that’s has framed our observations of the universe. The inverse square law is a unified field theory as all our current physics theories, that is quantum mechanics and relativity can be explained using just that one theory, which unifies both theories, we already had the theory of the universe hundreds of years ago!
You can see the similarity’s to my picture and the phantom galaxy.
The universe we are told, is a super fine tuned machine that’s is tuned just perfectly for life to exist and it’s only that way because it appears to us like that’s the case. This is because, they say that the universe is part of a infinite number of possible universes and the ones that are capable of life whom are self aware can ask questions about the universe which appear to them to be fined tuned for their existence in it. Any universes that are not capable of creating life cannot be observed to question why that is the case
This idea implies that the universe is super complex and it is purely chance that gives us our universe and our experience in it. Of course there are simulation theories that it’s all some kind of Matrix created by some super intelligent beings who have mastered the laws of physics and can create universes that are ultimately games or prisons for our minds, or holographic training constructs.
I don’t really believe that is the case, I did believe once that we were in a computer simulation but as I have got older and the more I use my mind for creating, simulating or imagining other consciousnesses, universes and multi verses and infinite singularity and worlds that I cannot explain. All those things are possible and really are integrated into our reality and our minds but having that ability and being able to imagine in this universe means we are not in a simulation or a complex universe that’s part of a multi verse. The reason is simple, why would the universe need to be complex or a simulation, it’s simple doesn’t need to be a simulation, if the laws of physics are simple rather than complex then the number universes with life is almost infinite, because any and all universes would be exactly the same as ours and if that’s that case then there’s a higher probability of being in a real and in a simple universe that follows simple rules.
The inverse square law when used on a 2 dimensional surface creates surface features that creates the effect seen in relativity, quantum mechanics and ultimately string theory in the form of branes. It gives you singularities, spatial effects and the experience of time, gravity, consciousness, multiple universes, frame dragging and virtual extra dimensions.
The reason I say it’s wrong is because it creates singularities, which appear infinite. Those infinite singularities though are just different combinations of information which is really just created by our ever changing perspective. If we ever were to reach the singularity we would tear ourselves apart trying reach some imaginary nirvana with the only winner being our classical reality that will snap back into existence with a wake up call that will leave us in a hell scape that we might never escape from as a race. There are limits of what we can achieve, there are limits on knowledge and the universe itself has limits, surpassing those limits are not compatible with what we call the real world and having a body and real existence gives us a level of experience and existence that is an acceptable compromise to have a functional reality. Without those a functional reality is not possible and so it stands to reason that a functional reality is the norm and the universe has simple laws that are easy to understand.