Coronavirus & Frame Evolution

 Is what we are doing with the coronavirus a war against ourselves rather than a war against a viruses? I say viruses rather than a virus because the introduction of mRNA vaccines has been on the cards as a tool against viruses rather than any specific individual virus for a long time now. You could say the aim of bio tech is to make vast sums of money but also it’s to advance the human race through biological science. The problem with science is that science has to make mistakes in order for scientist’s to understand the science behind the system they are examining. To an extent, modern experimental sciences that are tested on the planet as a whole are a dangerous gamble, not because the mRNA vaccines themselves are dangerous but because the future outcome of a planetary experiment has a huge degree of uncertainty, the results of the experiment are unknown. Any mistake or unforeseen problems are likely to be global and hard hitting as, the energy involved in our global system is far beyond our ability to predict the outcome of such an massive experiment. For example the effects of lockdowns, which ultimately were created to encourage more people to take the vaccines rather than to stop any spread, as we didn’t lockdown until the virus had reached every country on the planet and those that took the vaccines were promised freedom from their incarceration and those that didn’t were facing social isolation, starvation and even actual incarceration! Then there’s now the war in UKraine, a war that is very unlikely to have escalated as far as it has if, governments had chosen not to lockdown and coherce people into taking part of a global experiment. The reason is simple it has become a perfect distraction from what has happened over the last two years and is essentially a war of convenience and political survival. 

Anyway political reasons is not why I’m writing this but the reason is chance and quite possibly correlation rather than causation, which is thrown around a lots these days when someone points out some extraordinary pattern in the data, which now science and political actors try to account for before the data is even recorded. 

This though is about an actual pattern, which is what a coronavirus really is? It’s a pattern of amino acids that are folded a certain way to create a protein which in turn creates a virus out of a simple sequence. I want to show that’s why we are at war with ourselves rather than a virus and why that is. 

Any repeating frame creates a pattern when you add frames over frames then there’s an evolution of that pattern that can either be nonsensical or a pattern can appear out of something which appears to be nothing but interference of its own frame. The content of the frame to some extent matters but for some patterns it’s the actual frame and how it intersects with itself that matters the content can be added later. As these patterns I’m creating are fractal in nature, the amount of information that can be added to these patterns is staggering and as long as the information is added to rules of the matrix of the frames layers, the information content, in as far as we are concerned is infinite. The problem with adding information is that any information added to the original start frame needs to be added to all its repeated frames, like with quantum physics any looking at the orientation of the individual frame would mean the only available orientation left that can be observed is in the opposite orientation exactly how that works is down to information content and structure of its matrix, in actual reality that’s most likely down to energy, as all of it surface content is a repeated pattern any change to the surface content of one frame should (by observation of quantum systems) change every frame so, as a whole the entire pattern is changed but the matrix created by frame intersection stays the same and the surface evolves. As most frames evolve slowly unless altered by an outside influence or an observer the frame will remain the same and as the evolution continues the illusion of time & space is created. Along with energy information (quantum information) can neither be destroyed or created, but imaginary information can be added by the observer that is not necessary part of the observation of the system but is carried along with the information to an extent. 

For the creation of my patterns I can see that black holes are not part of the matrix that creates atoms or life but appear to follow it’s own rules and is creating an effect similar to neural oscillation and is not the creator of the information but rather a system that exists outside normal rules of our frame of observation. The matrix came after the frame that created the matrix even though the universe already existed. 

A frame universe can exist without an oscillating frame but, it will collapse at some point, which most of the time, it will be long before the ability of life to create a frame that is outside of it’s normal matrix, but not all of the time as a frame can create it’s own neutral oscillation and a collapse can be prevented, for example my picture has its own neutral oscillator as that’s what gives its, its green hue. That green hue is actually another image of another pattern that follows the same inverse square fractal pattern. So effectively the picture above is an evolution of an simple fractal algorithm and it’s resemblance to an actual coronavirus is pure chance and is pure example of correlation. Pure examples of correlation’s can of course be super low states of entropy and that also means that a ground state correlation had a higher probability of being causation and in that case, my picture is the coronavirus, in its ground state. As it’s a picture it cannot collapse and it’s state remains active and is a necessary evolutionary evil created by ourselves not because we hate ourselves but because of the nature of our reality and our own ground state is along the same lines, that’s something I’ll talk about later. I didn’t created the state I observed it’s effect and created the image, what did create it though is still a a concern as space time draw is still my number one contender and that leaves some very interesting ideas on how the Earth and life on it was created, which invokes relationships to neutron stars, black holes and supernova. Which are in my opinion all linked to our existence. 

Chance and probability will only take us so far, before its complete collapse. 

The more we learn the more imaginary information is added to our frame of observation which in turn is usually added to our DNA and we evolve slowly in reality as that imaginary information is reinforced by repeated experiences of our existence in what we call reality. 

Bio engineering is of course cheating you might says as it takes information we have learned as a collective and changes our historical experience   ( changing our DNA is like going back in time and altering the past and the laws of physics appear to not allow such alterations of time) of which genetic engineering is essentially a time machine as that system can make future predictions based on probability and so we enter a state of being that we have not ever experienced before as we are no longer reliant of past experiences but, the problem with that is our laws of physics that says we can’t do that. Biological science says otherwise, but to what extent can we change our DNA without collapsing our biological system? The problem is any highly organised patterns of the likes that creates viruses appear to be following the rules of entropy and, energy and information laws which says to me that changing our DNA using our current biological technology and our knowledge of the laws of physics is not actually possible and may actually never be possible, unless those changes are minimum and follows a pattern of natural evolution. When I look at my pattern which is below, I see the natural evolution of a coronavirus which will become like phages it will not only attached itself to certain cells but will evolve to be capable at some point in the future of attaching itself to any cell and reprogram it to produce copy’s of itself. If that’s the case then training our immune systems to fight off the initial spike protein’s could naturally start to evolve a new more advanced spike protein and essentially we are creating its evolution into its lowest state of entropy which will result in a completely new life form and we don’t know what the outcome of that will be. Not for the planet or the universe, either it will wipe us all out as the biosphere resets or we will become part of its evolution and life will never be the same again. Either way, it’s looking like the evolution a coronavirus is a predictable outcome of frame evolution. Frame evolution is relative to quantum mechanics and the evolution of any observer is relative to the evolution of the frame. Any alteration to the observer’s frame results in changes in the consciousness of the observer as the consciousness of the observer is in part created by the observer frame. How that is created is by using a layered system, similar to what AI does in neural networks, except instead of using circuits it uses ref frames which essentially do not exist as real frames but as an imaginary image which in our brain’s is ultimately created by proteins and how they are folded and the brain uses these folded proteins to store ref frames of different sizes.

Here the thing, the ground state of the coronavirus will come before any evolution into its highest potential as a virus, so by creating a ground state virus and then letting it loose on the world will lead to an observed evolution from a normal coronavirus to it viral proteins that can infect any multiple cell organisms and the evolution can be non conventional. 
The thing is what is a coronavirus? I can’t say for certain that I had even heard the word coronavirus before 2019 but, I can say for certain my pictures were created before SARS2 or MERS came along and some of them even before SARS. The pattern above has the classic club shaped spikes near to the centre and appear to match the description of a coronavirus spike protein but again I had never heard of a clubbed shaped spike protein before 2019 and I seriously doubt anyone else has! 
I assume that the reasons SARS and MERS were labelled syndromes and not coronaviruses because they had no idea what they were and if you check old articles on the subjects they are labelled as being mysterious or mystery lung illnesses but also state after that, that’s it’s a coronavirus or may be a coronavirus but, I can’t actually remember that they called them a coronavirus back then. I personally have my doubts as the 1965 claims coronaviruses were first discovered under a Electron Microscope are dubious as are modern claims that SARS2 has been photographed under an EM. Claims that the coronavirus has been imaged under a electron microscope should be taken with caution
As the cells photographed are not viruses in most cases and are cells used by our cells for communicating with each other. 
I’m not going to go into this too much but, such things reinforce what I’m saying about how these so called viruses suddenly come to be affecting us with illness.


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