The Doomsday Clock
The Doomsday Clock is to stay the same time at 11:57. The problem is, it's set at the wrong time. It should be set at 11:58 because they have left it at 3 mins to, knowing it should be increased. The reason being, if the clock goes up a minute; the act of changing it's time would increase it by 2 mins making it 11:59. Because they have thought about the effect of the clock would have, means that we have reached Doomsday at 12:00 and we know its not Doomdsay! We then have to average out the clocks effect and conclude the clock is out by a minute but wrong by three. So it should be set at 11:58, but can't be moved!
Update 20/05/2018
How is the Doomsday clock still reading 11:57 even though it's been moved 1min closer to midnight? That's because The Sun has the wrong time, see link, the actual time of the Doomsday clock is 11:58. Instead of moving the clock one whole minute it has moved in two 30 second steps. I had always thought the doomsday clock moved in minutes not seconds. If it can be moved in seconds then what stopping it from being moved in
hundredths of a second and so on.... The clock is therefore a nonsense tool used by the scientific elite, as according to Zeno the clock will never strike midnight.
But if we stick to the fact the clock has ticked two whole minutes and a has one missing minute, we are in fact in a quantum state somewhere between 11:59 and midnight. But because we should have reached midnight we cannot be between 11:59 and midnight. So the rules changed before hand and the clock is now at 11:58 which is the correct time as I said above.
Update 20/05/2018
How is the Doomsday clock still reading 11:57 even though it's been moved 1min closer to midnight? That's because The Sun has the wrong time, see link, the actual time of the Doomsday clock is 11:58. Instead of moving the clock one whole minute it has moved in two 30 second steps. I had always thought the doomsday clock moved in minutes not seconds. If it can be moved in seconds then what stopping it from being moved in
hundredths of a second and so on.... The clock is therefore a nonsense tool used by the scientific elite, as according to Zeno the clock will never strike midnight.
But if we stick to the fact the clock has ticked two whole minutes and a has one missing minute, we are in fact in a quantum state somewhere between 11:59 and midnight. But because we should have reached midnight we cannot be between 11:59 and midnight. So the rules changed before hand and the clock is now at 11:58 which is the correct time as I said above.