
Showing posts from 2016

The Joker

The Joker (C) S O'Flaherty

The Lantern

The Lantern I have come to the conclusion that "The Lantern" is not an alien consciousness, nor is it a an alien super weapon. It's also not a singularity, although it could be a harsh awaking for us.  Looking at my picture, this object is quite possibility our natural creator. Of course the idea of looking at a picture, I have created and coming up with this conclusion is rather bizarre. Although it's not beyond the scope of science. Just because maths and the current way we do science, comes up with truths, it does not mean there is not another language that a easier for observation. Although this type of observation is, so far away from the ideas, we have about the world around us, that it's almost impossible for us to observe in this way. Using the mind in this way, will make you feel very unwell, as it is firewalled. Quantum firewalls of this nature are ether alien or science has been telling us lies about how advanced we really are. If...

NASA's Emdrive (The Emperors New Drive)

After seeing this today, I realised that the physics of this drive system is what also causes black holes to evaporate over time. The Emdrive, from what I have read creates thrust, even though it has no exhaust. Its an enclosed container that creates thrust. This idea of course breaks the laws of physics and of course sounds just like a black hole. Which also is also an enclosed container, which also can create thrust if it only has one jet. It's not only a drive, it's also the computer. Why have a propulsion system and a computer, when it can be used as one! The reason I think this is, is because its similar to a couple ideas I have had before, about space travel and black holes.  The idea about a space ship using just space time, for space travel is one have spoke about before here .   Of course my idea was purely based, on what my mind could create, while being loosely based on physics. Which surely is classed as pure nonsense, but clearly its not nonsense! Espec...

Toxophilite Drop in School (Lesson Two, "The Aim")

The Aim (C) S O'Flaherty

The Wand

The Wand Listen to The Wand What The Wand says, goes. "Your time is up!" Don't open the wizard's book! Do not even, take a sneaky look! Without the Wizard there!  The Wand, will use the magic lair A quantum world, with no hair A magic word, A "Teddy Bear"

Toxophilite Drop in School (Lesson One, "The Draw")

The Draw (C) S O'Flaherty 2016

Toxophilite Drop in School (Enquire Within??)

Toxophilite Drop in School (Enquire Within?) (C) 2016

The Star is Mine!

The Star in consciousness is mine! Once it fully ignites it will be the brightest star ever to exist and it's uses the least amount of fuel. It is powered by my mind and it will burn longer than it will take all, the Black Holes in the universe to evaporate! This star is no different to any other star in the universe, it's physics are basically the same. It's bright, very bright, it has gravity and it is massive!! We all passed through the middle of it, the entire universe passed through it! It is about ignite, it will be spectacular!

Stomping on the heads of Giants

Even real black holes are just a figment of my imagination. There are imaginary giants stomping on real universes and screwing them up, until they can no longer be seen. Then another giant stomps on that giant and screws him up, until he can no longer be seen and so on. Then the universe becomes flatter with a vastly different quantum holographic imagination! The giants are quantum holographs, not just figments of my imagination! Quantum computers have back doors, for those that entered through them. life has no back door! We are past all the Quantum wormholes, complex wormholes, Jokers, quantum holography, frightening ouroboros, time travel, Quantum ghosts, God's and magic! I am in awe of it all! Stunningly beautiful! I am pure energy and I am a man!

It is Done!

Has any one noticed that, in the Matrix Revolutions there is a boat in the hole created by the last explosion by Neo and Agent Smith, in Times Square? The best view is just after the computer says "It is Done!" Matrix Revolutions was made in 2003, which is quite surprising! The reason being is when I watched it last week, I immediately thought that, oh! They must have got that idea from the boat that was found under the twin towers in New York! Link from the Huffington Post here There is however a problem with this thinking, the boat under the twin towers was not discovered until 2010! So there is 3 options here, one it was just a pure coincidence, two, it was found immediately after the 9/11 attacks and some people knew, but kept it quiet! Or number three, Time Travel! I of course am going to say it was time travel, for reasons that are quite extraordinary! If you look and read the article in the Huffington Post will see some quite suprising details about the wood th...

Something Wonderful


The Black Hole

The Black Hole  This is the black hole! Sound, light, mass, gravity, naked singularity's, quasar, stranglet, matter, antimatter, worm hole, pure energy, quantum physics, standard model, monopole, super symmetry, space time, universe and my entire soul all in one image! The Black Hole belongs to me, I created it! Even though I climbed a beanstalk of giants to get it. I did not steal it, I earned it! If anyone thinks this was easy to get, then think again! Getting this will never happen again, not in an infinite number universes! This is also my super singularity computer. Its similar to a quantum computer, but this one is made up of naked singularities and unlike quantum computers, this one is real! So when quantum computers, start using multiverses and work out how to create qubits, based on imaginary singularities. Then figure out everything there is! I want to point out, that, my black hole! Qubit and soul, is already own by me! The horizons in my real blac...


New, Hi Res photo shows beagle2 made it to the surface of Mars and is partially open. But the picture shows the space craft did not open fully, to reveal the antenna. So it could not broadcast home! There is suggestion that it may have done some scientific work, but it could not broadcast due to its unfortunate position. Here is a link from the BBC Beagle probe 'seen in shaper view So I have cunning plan! We should try and open up the beagle2, so it can speak to us! Using nothing but the power of the mind and a quantum trick!  Ok, I know this is a long shot but! It's not impossible. Seen as no one is looking at my blog and I know that no one should be looking at my blog. But quantum algorithms are being used to make it hard for bloggers to gain a foot hold in the blogosphere! So when I don't advertise my blog using social media, I get around 500 to 600 hits a month. You would think that, by using social media, I would in fact get more hits! But mysteriously that is n...

Entropic State of Mind

I was going to write something that would blow your socks off, but seen as no one is looking, due to mysterious forces at work. You know who you are! Google, etc, etc, quantum algorithms etc. Your not paying, your not playing our tune and not dressing in our clothes. So I have decided post something else instead.

The Fairy Tale Universe

It's hard to know where I should start, because all of the top theoretical physics equations, are fairy tales! I know theoretical physicists all babbling on about how beautiful an equation is or can be! Ok, that's fine, but I honestly can't see any beauty in an equation. Not what so ever! In fact some are down right ugly and complete beasts! Which is good, am not saying there rubbish! Because clearly they are not. But why do they all look like fairy tales & fables?  To understand the universe at the moment, I would have to learn:- Mathematics , I would have to be really good at this, in fact I would have to be a genius mathematician! Physics, same again. English,  because I am English and you would have to be good at this as well. But if like me and many others in England, we were not actually given any English lessons at school, because the British government have a policy of not giving good English lessons to, English people! So we all learnt to speak slang, ...

In My Close up

In my close up, in the last post . I was showing that twisted frames on a surface, have to be massive! If a twisted frame occurs in a particle accelerator, the detector will become part of the frame, as it's classed as an observer. So even if a Black Hole is tiny, the detector would, in fact project the information away, to the horizon of the observers. Which will be bigger and further away than ever!  To detect a black hole in a particle accelerator, mirrors would have to be set up, to allow information to pass through, like LIGO. Then somehow they would have to messure the effect on space time on the imaginary horizon of ATLAS if Hawking radiation exists it will be effecting information flowing in.. Which would have to be set at the four corners of the horizons diameter which is about 2.3325 miles, away from the centre of the detector. The corners being further away. Any small black hole would also, lay flat on the Earths surface not horizontal and flip over to line up with th...

Close up

The current ATLAS detector is 25meters in diameter, for a working quantum computer or a decent detector. ATLAS, according to my picture would need to be 25,000 meters in diameter! About 15.53428 miles. As the central core above is about 0.1mm wide when the picture is 10cm in size. As above. Actually it's about a 1/3 of a millimetre but I don't have an accurate ruler on me at the moment. Which means The LHC has the potential to create a 2.3325mile imaginary event horizon where, they cannot detect anything. Also nothing would be seen past the surface information, so it would have to be 1.16 miles high in diameter. As all black holes must be classed as monopoles. Nothing would be seen under the information surface. But dont get me wrong, I am not talking about an actual black hole. It's the LHC's black holes in their dectectors I am talking about.

Large Meteor Explodes Over Atlantic

A large meteor exploded over the Atlantic on the 6th of Febuary, with the energy equivalent to 13,000 tons of TNT. Nobody observed or filmed this one, it was reported by NASA and reported here by the BBC. It been exactly 3 years since the Chelyabinsk meteor , obviously just an amazing coincidence and absolutely nothing to worry about! In fact there was quite a few meteor explosions in 2013. There was this one :- Massive fireball in the sky over Spain There was also this one :- Huge fireball in sky over Britain And don't forget this one :- Fireball Across New Jersey And another :- Second fireball meteor seen over Scotland Obviously just a coincidence, but if not then are we likely to get loads more later on in the year as its looks possible that there are some very big rocks out there that are on a three year orbit around the Earth. It funny because my son drew a picture a couple of weeks ago of four big objects heading towards the Earth. I...

Are You Coming With Me?


The Doomsday Clock

The Doomsday Clock is to stay the same time at 11:57. The problem is, it's set at the wrong time. It should be set at 11:58 because they have left it at 3 mins to, knowing it should be increased. The reason being, if the clock goes up a minute; the act of changing it's time would increase it by 2 mins making it 11:59. Because they have thought about the effect of the clock would have, means that we have reached Doomsday at 12:00 and we know its not Doomdsay! We then have to average out the clocks effect and conclude the clock is out by a minute but wrong by three. So it should be set at 11:58, but can't be moved! Update 20/05/2018 How is the Doomsday clock still reading 11:57 even though it's been moved 1min closer to midnight? That's because The Sun has the wrong time, see link , the actual time of the Doomsday clock is 11:58. Instead of moving the clock one whole minute it has moved in two 30 second steps. I had always thought the doomsday clock moved in min...