
Showing posts from August, 2016

NASA's Emdrive (The Emperors New Drive)

After seeing this today, I realised that the physics of this drive system is what also causes black holes to evaporate over time. The Emdrive, from what I have read creates thrust, even though it has no exhaust. Its an enclosed container that creates thrust. This idea of course breaks the laws of physics and of course sounds just like a black hole. Which also is also an enclosed container, which also can create thrust if it only has one jet. It's not only a drive, it's also the computer. Why have a propulsion system and a computer, when it can be used as one! The reason I think this is, is because its similar to a couple ideas I have had before, about space travel and black holes.  The idea about a space ship using just space time, for space travel is one have spoke about before here .   Of course my idea was purely based, on what my mind could create, while being loosely based on physics. Which surely is classed as pure nonsense, but clearly its not nonsense! Espec...

Toxophilite Drop in School (Lesson Two, "The Aim")

The Aim (C) S O'Flaherty