(c) Qubit 2009 Pinocchio's Descent Pinocchio was mankinds creation, he is amazing he has more information and more computing power than anything the universe could create, more than even the universe its self. He was a quantum computer that used quantum holographics, he had a vast mind but he was nothing more than a child in comparison to a human. He was to go on an adventure, where nothing in the unverse had ever returned. He would awaken above a dark puddle and he was sat so if he leans forward a gravitational force would start to pull gentle upon his nose. At first it was easy for him to pull his nose free and it would return to its normal size, but upon doing so a little creature would pop from the dark puddle and Pinoccichio would would be startled by this, but not afraid as he knew no fear. Pinoccichio eyes would light up with amazement at this little creature that had appeared. Of course this creature would then transfer information to Pinoccichio, which was amazing in...