Cytokine storm
A Cytokine Storm Is an immune reaction causing a positive feedback loops between cytokines and white blood cells , with highly elevated levels of various cytokines . The horror of these types of reactions was seen in 2006 when a trial of a new drug TGN1412 went "wrong?" SARS was a virus that caused death by this type of reaction. Although the reaction of the WHO and governments around the world was a lot more surprising, it was quick! The equipment e.g heat sensors at airports, looks to me the this type of virus was fully expected make an appearance. Any virus t hat causes a cytokine storm , e.g. like Spanish flu is the biggest threat to mankind. Here is a simple list of why... People with good immune systems are more likely to be affected by such a virus. lack of information about powerful antivirals and how deadly they are to youngsters. People with AIDS are more likely to survive an outbreak increasing the AIDS infected population to dangerous levels, this may create...