
Showing posts from 2009

The Schrodinger's cat collection

Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, Be he alive, or be he dead I'll grind his bones to make my bread. The grand old Duke of York, He had ten thousand men; He marched them up to the top of the hill, And he marched them down again. And when they were up, they were up, And when they were down, they were down, And when they were only half-way up, They were neither up nor down.


H1N1 has a high probability of becoming a lung destroying virus, if you look at how allergic reactions happen in people, you can see that its not the first contact that kills you, its when you come in contact with it a second time! Seen as death occurs from an immune response to the virus in new outbreaks, it is more likely to be second contact that will kill most people with a Cytokine Storm .

Dalton Bank Nature Reserve

Dalton Bank nature reserve, just behind what used to be the ICI chemical factory. There is still is a chemical factory, just nowhere near as big as ICI used to be. Aparently according to my Grandma the Germans failed to find Huddersfields ICI works in World War 2, although at the moment it looks like a bomb site. The biggest threat to workers at the factory from what i could find was this :- " At the ICI factory, workers were sometimes accidentally gassed while manufacturing chemicals, and had to be taken to moors above the Colne Valley until they recovered. " Picture (c) Qubit 2009

The Swine Flew



Coffee cup Mars!. (c) Qubit

In The Kitchen

Just hot out of the oven (OK maybe i used a bread maker, but still... it smells lovely!) Chili cheese bread! Made with lancashire cheese and not Cheddar as the recipe suggested. Lancashire cheese is so much nicer than cheddar when used in bread making, I've added three hot chillies to this. I know I can put more in or use scotch bonnets instead without it being too hot, but three seems to be just right. I Sauteed the chillies with a little bit of pepper and 1.5 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil.

The Crucifiction of Mankind


M Theory

Strings are just something that gets in the way of complete freedom. An unnecessary necessary which really is unnecessary. Absolute freedom of thinking is the only way, altering the quantum processes of thought, will result in extinction.... My shadows are mine, i will cast them into eternity! Its not for you to create walls they cannot pass.

Cytokine storm

A Cytokine Storm Is an immune reaction causing a positive feedback loops between cytokines and white blood cells , with highly elevated levels of various cytokines . The horror of these types of reactions was seen in 2006 when a trial of a new drug TGN1412 went "wrong?" SARS was a virus that caused death by this type of reaction. Although the reaction of the WHO and governments around the world was a lot more surprising, it was quick! The equipment e.g heat sensors at airports, looks to me the this type of virus was fully expected make an appearance. Any virus t hat causes a cytokine storm , e.g. like Spanish flu is the biggest threat to mankind. Here is a simple list of why... People with good immune systems are more likely to be affected by such a virus. lack of information about powerful antivirals and how deadly they are to youngsters. People with AIDS are more likely to survive an outbreak increasing the AIDS infected population to dangerous levels, this may create...

Information transfer through space inside & outside my black hole through an event horizon

R1+R2=R 3 R1 Horizon Side A R2 Event Horizon (3 Dimensional Singularity) R3 Real Event Horizon Side for external observer Black area on side B does not exist on side B. The middle green area on side A, is not just A but side B as well and both sides exist in a single super fluid state. This area has a hemisphere horizon on side A( and a spherical horizon that exists as a 3d marker ). No matter exists within the hemisphere (the vacuum is in a virgin state). Matter exists above the red section on side A but not below the membrane on side B, matter above the brane could be said to be holographic, matter that is holographic is heading towards the singularity with no chance of escape. Matter that appears to be escaping from Event Horizon does not become unified until it leaves R1 where then is can be said to be real but only relativistically. The above object has a external standard space-time event horizon; it has a 3d event horizon, and a internal hemi-sphere event horizon (...